Don't you hate it when you plan something out in your mind and it is just sooo perfect only to find your mind highly overestimates your physical ability... Even if you go over every fine detail and you think there is no way to go astray there is ALWAYS something to go astray. So this has happened to me millions of times. From building sand castles to planning out a perfect date -- my mind always gives me an unrealistic glimpse of what I hope to create.
Even though this has happened so much, each time I think of something new I think, "Oh, well in the past maybe my mind has led me wrong but oh no, this time -- yeah this time this will actually work." Literally every time. So the latest and the greatest story is from last week's attempt at DAGTW.
It all began when I developed a relationship with a good friend. For the sake of remaining as anonymous as possible, we will call him Danny. Danny is way cool. Anyway so he has an iphone 6, and of course, the screen is cracked (if you knew "Danny," this would be no surprise). I had noticed this every since I started hanging out with him. I don't think it really bothered him too much, but every once in a while he would make mention of it ever so discreetly. So. I planned something big. I found the least expensive professional iphone repair company and made an appointment to fix the screen. But a secret service ninja can't just let his friend know what his plans are. He would have to do it secretly. And that is exactly what I planned on doing. I knew Danny worked two jobs. One on his university campus and the other at an office off campus but not far from his on-campus job. So here is how the story went in my overly-positive mind:
While Danny was going from job A to job B, I snuck into job B's office (wearing a disguise) to make a secret kishkumen-esque deal with his co-worker. His co-worker readily agreed to distract Danny long enough to switch out my iphone 6 with theirs. I would then take Danny's iphone to my appointment to get the screen fixed and bring it back in an hour and Danny would magically have a fixed screen and have no clue how or when it happened.
Danny got to work while I was hidden in the bushes behind the office. Co-worker worked her magic and made a successful switch of the phones. Work was so busy that Danny never checked "his" phone for the next hour. Co-worker gave me Danny's real phone and I was off in a rush!! I quickly made the appointment, and was given a discount for my good looks and I raced back to drop the phone off. Co-worker ever so secretly switched the phones back. Danny was so surprised when he got off work. He literally could not contain himself with joy as tears rushed down his face in gratitude for the magically miracle that had taken place. The end.
Ok now let me tell you what actually happened. I wasnt sure how long Danny took to get from his first job to his second. So I made a friend with a stranger who was sitting just outside Danny's first job. I told them I would give them a CapriSun if they would call me once Danny left the office. I made sure they knew who Danny was and then I was off to his second job! I timed myself driving from the two jobs so I knew how much time I would have once I got the phone call from the stranger. Beautiful plan right?
I got to the second job but the office was closed. No one was in there. I was so frustrated. I hope they don't ever look at the security cams because I was totally throwing and breaking stuff all over the place. Just kidding. So I waited and eventually someone came to open the office. They showed up about 5 minutes before Danny was supposed to be done with his first job. TALK ABOUT PRESSURE.
I quickly explained the situation to Danny's co-worker. In a very Debbie Downer tone, they laughed and told me that was a stupid idea and that Santa Claus wasn't real either. Literally as they were telling me this, I got a phone call from my stranger saying Danny had left the building !! I had about 6 minutes based off my time early that day. "Can't you just have a liiiitle bit of hope sister scrooge???"
After a little bit of sweet-talking, they agreed to help. They were unsure of how to make the switch but they said they had an idea. GREAT!! It was a miracle. I quickly hid just in time for Danny pulling in to the parking lot.
About three minutes after Danny went in to the office, his co-worker came SCREAAAMING out of the office.
I whipped my head around and my heart sunk and I saw them running toward me with Danny hot on her heels. Danny must have thought he was being robbed. oh great.
To sum it up, things didn't go as planned. I was still able to convince Danny to let me fix the phone so I wouldn't have to cancel my appointment haha. But he wouldn't let me pay for it or anything. And I was discovered. Some ninja I am. Moral of the story, don't trust my imagination or Danny's co-workers.
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