Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Better than Hakuna Matata?

I woke up this morning and I honestly did not think that I would be doing any significant secretive service today. I just started another semester of college this week, and between my 16.5 credits and 2 part-time jobs I have been stressed and frazzled trying to get everything done that I needed to.  But that is exactly why I love DAGTW.

 "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."
Let me tell you what I mean: 

I have been preeeetty stressed today. I have been putting off an assignment that I have been needing to do for the professor who employs me for a very long time.  I just hadn't gotten around to it yet.  So I left one of my classes early so I could spend the rest of my evening quietly hidden deep in my favorite and private study nook on campus.  

I left work at 1pm and everything went just as planned.  I had a great workout.  A little bit of a crossfit workout.  Nothing better. Actually  maybe a girlfriend would also be that nice but since I can't keep those around too long I'll stick with my bike and shoes for now.  (yeah, we broke up last night).  


I had been studying for more than 30 minutes when my phone rang.  It was from a nice girl I home taught in my previous ward.  She was stranded and needed a ride. I accepted and thought, "perfect, this counts as a good turn right?"  I thought for sure I would feel great about myself for serving and helping this friend of mine.  And I did feel great.  But it was not until I was driving my car talking with this girl that I realized I could do more.  I love serving, it is so fulfilling. People need help. A LOT. I need help A LOT.  This is how I get help, by doing things for others. And if I thought I had a terrible day, surely there were other students just like me who are feeling all the same pressures.  

With this, I remembered a classmate of mine - we have the same major and he is in most of my same classes this semester.  It's a good thing I like him because we sure do see a lot of each other. Today he was not himself.  He was absent from our presentation this morning and was late to our afternoon class.  At this later shift, he was absent minded and unfocused.  You could literally see the stress oozing out of him. OK not literally, I mean figuratively -- which I guess now is literally synonym of figuratively?  Bottom line: poor kid.  So, of course I could do something.  So I'm at the campus grocery store right now writing this in preparation to buy ingredients for a fruit salad.  And by ingredients I mean fruit.  Maybe I can write little phrases of praise to him on the fruit.  That would be kinda fun.  Hopefully it doesn't make the fruit taste like Sharpie though haha. 

I hope this inspires my friend to do something for someone.  Because honestly, that is the way to drop the stress.  "Forget yourself and go to work."  And right now that work is serving others.  So if any of you reading this, (all 1 of you), if you are as stressed as I am or my co-worker was today, if you want to get better, don't wait around for some ninja to anonymously bring you fruit.  Go and do something for someone else.  it'll work.  All your worries --- yeah forget about them.  They will go.  It's even better than Hanuka Matata.  

later skaters.

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