Friday, July 31, 2015

Gathering Steam: Pinterest Style

I recently learned what Pinterest was.  Even more recently learned that there is this thing on Pinterest called -- get ready -- hidden boards.  What on Earth girls use that for is beyond me. However, it is quite handy for a mysterious weekly hidden service ninja (yes that is exactly how I refer to myself) to use to plan out his next "attack."

As I was creating this board and searching for pins to add, I had a little dilemma.  I PRIDE myself in my most original service ideas.  I thought I should be the one making the pins for people to pin instead of me pinning what other people have done! But I quickly humbled myself and actually found some good material I am going to use one of these weeks.  Never underestimate the power of Pinterest ladies and gentlemen. Never.


DAGTW it stands for "Do a good turn Wednesdaily." It's an interesting way that I define my weekly attempt to do random acts of service without them finding out.  I know, I know, I should be doing good acts DAILY but I am sorry Mr. Powell but for now this one week thing is my goal.

" Do a good turn Wednesdaily" became a motto of mine my 21st year of life.  I was recently returned home from serving a church mission where I realized the joy I found from randomly helping others.

It didn't start out as such an organized thing but rather I would just look for opportunities to help complete strangers.  I remember one day on the first week back I stopped on my way back home to help an older dude pack some leaves into his yard waste can that had fallen over in the wind.  He was surprised when I did not ask to help (never ask to help, people say no even if they need help) but just did it anyway. And he allowed me to help.  I loved that.   There is something special about people who can ask or accept help even when they don't need it.  However, most humans will never do that.  If you find one that does, keep 'em around.

So I continued to randomly do things for people, but this wasn't enough.  Things started getting more organized when I began dating a really special girl.  On our of our first dates, we had discussed how much we enjoyed doing random acts of service.  We shared family traditions of secretly doing "12 Days of Christmas" anonymously and other related stories.  I think this is when I officially started weekly secret service. This girl eventually left on a mission, and for each day she was gone, I put a dollar in an envelope to create a fund for when she returned.  This way we would have a few spare dollars to fund our weekly extravaganzas. While she was gone, I continued to develop this fun weekly activity.

During her mission, I adopted the name, "Do a good turn Wednesdaily" or DAGTW.  I had a vision for DAGTW that it would spread like wildfire and everyone would join in and we would live a real life "Pay it Forward."  Don't ask if that has been realized yet or not... haha.

When she returned from her mission, I told her about the idea and she seemed less than excited. That's fine, our relationship didn't go anywhere anyways so I was left with a bunch of 1 dollar bills (about 540 of them to be exact) and a single life. The single life is a story for another time, but my Wednesdays have certainly picked up steam.

So with my 540 bucks I set out to mysteriously do nice things for random (or sometimes not so random) people.  This blog is dedicated to my adventures.  I do not know if I will share this blog with others for the sake of keeping myself anonymous, but  I hope to write about each of the things that I do on Wednesdays.  Perhaps if I do ever share with others, it will only help to  motivate them to dress up like ninjas on Wednesday nights and also do nice things for others.  The following posts will be going back in time to the beginnings of my adventures until the present day.  I hope you enjoy and are inspired to get out and do the same.